Monday, December 28, 2009

With relaxation comes realization

What have I been doing for the holidays? I didn't head to Texas and I wasn't able to jump back to North Carolina- I stayed in Minnesota. Before you feel bad that I was away from friends and family this Christmas and New Years,  I just want to let you know that staying was one of the best choices I could have made.

I've been relaxing, reading and blogging. Yes, I'm all over the 'interwebs' as one of my coworkers says. I have found some great passions this 2009. I started out working toward a certificate in Broadcast Engineering with the hopes for graduate school to study communications theory. Now, heading into 2010, I'm looking into

  • MBA programs to study business communications
  • Create a social media plan for a non-profit and for profit
  • increase my consultative sales experince
All of these things would have never been on my list 7-10 months ago. I know that God has been leading me in a direction that I not only enjoy, but I thrive in. Stay tuned for my list of new years resolutions sometime after the new year. I have some projects that might be completed the first week of the new year. So, I feel like it would be cheating to complete some things on January 2nd and have them on my new year list. 

Does anyone have resolutions they would like to share? Or, perhaps some suggestions? 

Friday, December 18, 2009


Every Thursday we have game night. Some of us get together to forget about work (or try to), seminary shenanigans (or try to), the plummeting temperatures and the overall stress of life. For two to three glorious hours we bask in the glow of community, a little beer and some wonderfully awkward and sometimes confusing board games. Last night we played what some just call 'the awkward game', I don't even know the real title of this cardboard square that makes so many of us giggle. Frankly, I don't mind that so much. It's about spending time with people. I may not remember the games or who won, but I know that I left energized and full.

This has been a fabulous blessing. When I'm having a tough time with work, life and being away from family and friends, a since of belonging is sometimes all I need to get through the remainder of the week.

I'm also incredibly fulfilled with my community of strong women around me. They range from coworkers, mentors, fellow church members, encouraging seminary wives and friends that I can just bum around with on Saturday night. It's been a long year and three months in Minnesota, but things have really perked up the last five months, and for that I'm left blessed and thankful.

 'People won't remember what you did for them, but they will remember how you made them feel.'

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A cat, snow & the loss of leaves

With the beauty of fall comes the loss and stillness of winter, and winter is finally here in all it's Minnesota glory. I've been mentally preparing for the cold for about a month, and now that it's here and I know what to expect when I go outside again, so it's a little easier to bare.

I know that my cat isn't as big of a fan of the snow, not as much to look at out the window. I adopted her and I'm pretty sure she was a 'wild' cat. My apartment isn't as interesting as the wild outdoors apparently.

I have been working with my church St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church for the past few months on the Communications/Outreach Commission. It's been pretty amazing actually. I'm in there with people that love their faith, the church and communications. Pretty awesome. It's been an amazing experince, I'm actually in charge of some of their social media efforts. I created and currently maintain their Facebook fan page, and it's been loads of fun. I also 'tweet' and maintain a Facebook page for Suka-Rama Boutique in the Park. This shop is located in St. Anthony Park, MN, and it's where I've been working off and on since I got to Minnesota.

I will be staying in the Land of 10,000 Lakes this Christmas, but it will be nice since I have a few days off between. I have some tasks around the cities that I need to take care of, so this will be a great time to get some things done.

I've also been dealing with death this week. A great mentor and friend, John Hipp, died this past weekend. He was hit by a drunk driver and was killed. It's been an intense time for the Lenoir-Rhyne communications community. Also, my black lab, Sadie, had to be put down this week. Sometimes life deals you a hard deck to deal, but you just have to keep playing. I know my buddy John wouldn't want me to be shutting down. He was a strong and passionate person to have in my life during college. I'm blessed to of had him in my life.

If you are on Facebook or Twitter, connect with me! My Twitter name is Kristina_e.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Radio waves & pumpkins

I went to a movie last night and saw ZOMBIELAND. It was completely American, gory, mindless entertainment, which I needed. However, my boyfriend and I realized that we had not been to a movie in months, and came to the conclusion that it was because of the Minnesota summer. No more bar-b-ques, camping in 70 degrees, sitting at the lake without a fleece... Nope, the next few months will have more inside activities. Which, luckily, are also abundant in Minnesota. This brings me to my latest inside venture...

I have an espresso machine. Now, I've only used it a handful of times, but through some coaching, with a friend of mine, I have now learned how to make a mocha... So now, I wouldn't say that I'm a skilled barista, but, I sure can steam milk and sprinkle cinnamon like it is no ones business... It's been added to the winter project list.

Friends and family often ask me how I stand the cold, darkness and the isolation that we experience in the winter. Even in a metropolis like the Twins, isolation can be a tough one. It's -15 degrees and snow and ice are covering the streets and sidewalks, making a milk run a death trap. What is one to do?

Well, all of these little projects and activities help me keep sane and socialized over the winter. I'm a reader, knitter, cook, snowshoe-er, radio volunteer, perpetual communications nerd, and now a writer for the Minneapolis Examiner.

Thankfully, it's October and we can ease into cold-er weather. So thankfully, October means pumpkins, Halloween and parties! Now, for some friends of mine, Halloween is the best time of year and they throw amazing Halloween parties. I'm not quite sure what I'll be this year. Last year I was Sarah Palin, I'm all about timeliness. I'll keep you posted.

Currently, my Halloween spirit rests in my newly carved pumpkin sitting in my apartment window.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Moving into the MN Fall

The leaves are changing, the temperatures are dro- oh, wait. It's been 80 something here the past few days. Well, the leaves are changing, and the morning air seems, crisper.

It's that time of year to unpack some jackets and find my scarves once again. This year I feel more prepared. As I reflect on when I arrived in the Twin Cities I have really grown to love and adore this area. There are countless opportunities for volunteering, community and continuous learning. It was difficult to find what I wanted and needed. However, I feel confidant about this year and it's upcoming activities.

Back in August I wrote about 'winter projects' and I'm happy to report that I have a few good ones that have popped up.

Since I started looking into writing for the Minneapolis Examiner covering Generation Y, I've rekindled my love for various communication outlets. I'm able to join my passion for technology, culture and explaining why some of the people in my generation behave the way we do. I'm not claiming to be a behavioral analyst, just an observer and participant. I must say, that I've been searching for books, articles and even podcasts on the subject, and I'm learning an incredible amount about myself. I think I'm getting a better grip on how to work with my managers, fellow (wh)Yers (as I like to call us), and even get a better grip on the imporatance of social media not only in the current, but for years to come.

I've also jumped right into volunteering at KFAI, Radio Without Boundries in Minneapolis. I've been volunteering once a week with the 'Cart Crew' which records PSAs and other various spots for airing. I think it really gives me a nice broadcasting fix.

I've taken a dive right into learning more about how Facebook, Twitter and other various online tools are used for branding, for personal or business. I must say that it makes me think about getting an MBA in Communication Studies versus a MA in Communications. We'll see!

In the mean time, check me out on LinkedIn:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

MN State Fair on a stick

I attended the fair this past Tuesday and did enjoy several things! I did have some fantastic foods along the way:
- nice vanilla shake from the U of M dairy barn
- fried cheese curds
- Tornado Potato... and yes, it was delightful. I had some spicy seasoning on it as well.
- corn on the cob dipped in butter (I'm in the mid-west)
- Sweet Martha's Cookies... mmmmm.

... I'm sure there is something I'm missing. I did see some rather interesting things on a stick. You'll have to see to believe. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera.

The fair is not all food, rides and shows however. If grease and Garrison Keillor are not your thing, there are several things other things that can keep you busy. For instance, we visited the 'Miracle of Life Birthing Center.' Here you can see animals, you guessed it, being born. I'm not talking about TVs just broadcasting births. I'm talking, if there is a cow about to have a calf, into the birthing center they go. This place has bleachers and monitors for all to enjoy. When we strolled through, we saw a 3 hour old calf in the middle pin and piglets nursing in another. Pretty cool actually.

We also walked through the cow, swine and horse barns. I don't get to see these things in the middle of a metropolis too often. So, when I can, I jump on the chance.

If you are a media junkie, or fancy a certain weatherman (Sven), then the fair is good for that as well. See, all major TV news and radio stations are present at the fair. You can again, sit in bleachers, and be an active participant in the broadcast, see the anchors and camera operators at work and the interns running about.

There is also an art exhibit and a 'green' expo. I now see why people can spend days attending the fair. It's rather difficult to absorb everything in one visit, especially if you are seeing a show or want to be on a live Newscast.

I didn't get to visit the beer garden or attend a show this year, but I'm looking forward to the 2010 fair and this one's not even over yet.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Great MN Get Together!

Well summer is really winding down in the land of 10,000 lakes. You can feel the crisp air in the morning. I've been watching more people reach for sweaters and close-toed shoes. I must say that I'm excited.

Fall is one of my favorite seasons. Changing leaves, football, students heading back to the books, and people here begin devising 'winter projects'.

With more months of below freezing than above, many people pick up their 'inside' hobbies once again. For instance, I have learned to knit in the winter months, along with getting back into American Sign Language, French, (a little) German and baking is even attempted.

But I'm not quite prepared to dwell on Old Man Winter just yet...

For now, I'm going to focus on what is currently holding the attention of every Minnesotan. The State Fair! I breathe the fair every day. Seriously, I live across the street from heart attack on a stick. While I was tempted to pass this year, I'm looking forward to the adventure this week. See, last year I worked everyday of the fair. I had just moved up to Minnesota and was looking for work and was placed in the two week position of soda spiller, bee killer, hot dog fetcher and beer tapper. I'm not sure if it was the 13 hour days in the heat, the thousands of people I served or the lack of funds to enjoy my breaks, but I didn't have a great first experience. Fortunately, from the help of locals, they have turned my pessimism for the fair into an event that I now look forward to.

My plans are to head there during the work week in hopes to hit a less massive crowd.

And yes, there are a few things I'm looking forward to trying out. Like, the Tornado Potato! That is the picture that I have in this post. I mean, who wouldn't look forward to eating this?!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bookstores, visits from friends and GPS

So, I have started reading Marshall McLuhan again. McLuhan was the one that first coined the terms 'global village' and the famous 'medium is the message'. This guy is my media analyst that I run to for support and understanding in the web world we live in. However, as I search for his books, I realize that I am wildly unsuccessful at typical bookstores. I have ventured to Barnes & Nobles, used book stores and several others. No Luck.

Yes, I'm aware that I could venture online, where I do everything else, but there is something about finding the book I desire. I need the challenge. So, by recommendation, I am venturing to a place called Midtown Used and Rare Books. I looked on their site and they do have some McLuhan, but the one I found was $205, first edition. Oh. My checkbook will not like that.

This whole issue started a few weeks ago when a friend of mine ventured through the Twins from Colorado on her way back to North Carolina. No, I don't think she has a good map, but she does have a GPS which she refers to as 'Ms. Magellan.' I'm not sure how much they paid for 'her', but she isn't helping women in the fight against the stereotype of being directionally challenged. I should know, I get lost in J.C. Penny's.

My friend, we'll call her Marsha, is a law student and therefore loves books. On Sunday she wanted to go to a bookstore that she found online. So, I volunteered to drive. Mistake 1. So five of us got into my Jeep and accepted the adventure to Minneapolis. Mistake 2. Now, you must remember that 1) I don't have a sense of direction and 2) I have had car in the Twins for about 3 weeks. Therefore, I'm not used to the highways and city drivers yet.

Ok, so Marsha, her boyfriend, a friend of Marsha's boyfriend, myself and my boyfriend all got into the Jeep. Well, lets just say the trip form Roseville to Minneapolis was filled with Ms. Magellan directing me, Marsha translating, and me missing every possible turn. Honestly.

When we finally got the book store, I told everyone to get out. Sounds harsh? I don't think so. The last thing anyone wants to have are people telling you were all the parking spots are.

Now, my beef with bookstores. My boyfriend has a deep passion for theology and religious text, Marsha was seeking out cook books, I on the other hand, dig journalism, media, radio and communication theory. When they gets 5 bookcases, I have 2 shelves. Ugh.

That is what sparked my search for McLuhan. I thought 'there has to be a bookstore that has his books or books about him.' To that bookstore's defense, they did have one book titled 'Everyman's McLuhan'. I suppose that will have to keep me busy til my mission is completed.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Increased Carbon Footprint

I now have a vehicle in the Twin Cities!

It has been one long year, and I really have not gotten you an update. Well, here is some information in a nutshell:

1. I ended up not working for AmeriCorps, but an education company focused on connecting students to their future.
2. I now have my own apartment, conveniently, between St. Paul and Minneapolis.
3. I recently bought a Jeep. Now, I know this is not the most efficient vehicle, but in the words of my parents 'You can move yourself next time... and pull a trailer so we don't have to mail 15 boxes.' I suppose they no longer want to participate in my moving.

I have really grown to love the Twin Cities. I have gone camping just 20 minutes outside the cities, visited museums and I love the libraries here. The downtown library in Minneapolis is a site to behold and an experience.

I also work at a small boutique in St. Paul on the weekends, so that is a nice break in between my communications with educators during the week.

I have also started volunteering at KFAI, a community radio station in Minneapolis. What can I say? I can't get radio out of my head. In that realm, I'm also working toward a certificate in broadcast engineering.

I am sad that this amazing Minnesota summer is coming to an end.

I will be more diligent about my posts this next year. Make sure to shoot me an email or give me a call if you are going to be in the Twins, I would love to show you around.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I now have my own apartment & soon... a vehicle.