Monday, April 7, 2008

Back on track

There was a day when the temperature reached 33 above zero. The ice on the road melted and throughout the day it would snow then rain then snow again. I have to say it was peculiar to see rain again. After all, everything outside has been frozen for months.

Since January KNOM has been covering snowmachine and sled dog races, and now it is all coming to an end. Now, I can try to get back into a regular schedule writing educational spots on the government, fire safety, and even spots on flannel, Scrabble, and soon- Legos.

I officially told KNOM that I would not be returning for a second service year with the station. I have really loved my radio experience at this one-of-a-kind station, but I know it is time to move on and try something new.

As for what is next, well, your guess is as good as mine. I am looking to volunteer for another year, in a new state. My current thought is that I am going to be a professional volunteer with a Masters in the area by the time I am 25. That should bring in the money.

Nome’s great darkness has subsided, which is fantastic for my snowshoeing excursions. The sun rises sometime during the 7 am and sets around 10 pm. It is so weird to have all of this light after so much darkness.

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