This track gave us a place to discuss the future situations we as graduates are about to face. The topics consisted of tithing, parental relationships, work ethics, budgets, and so much more. Our track leaders also had panel time where we could freely ask questions. The topics and time of prayer we had together allowed me to realize that everyone does battle the same issues.
One main topic that people struggled with was the 'need' and 'call'. There are places in the world that are undoubtedly in need of people and support. However, if you go somewhere in need and do not feel a call from the LORD to go there, then you could be hindering not only your own call but someone else's that feels the call to be where you are now.
One book that I picked up from IV Press is called
This book discusses the need for everyone to listen to their specific calling from the LORD because that is a gift from GOD. Therefore, sacred.
Sometimes things in life can get confused and fuzzy. This book allows us to explore the Biblical need to listen and follow our purpose and reason GOD put us here on Earth.
One important aspect that we all have to come to terms with, our spiritual gifts. These are not things that we wish that we had or talents that our parents push us to have, they are GIFTS from the LORD above. To ignore them would be ignoring what GOD has put us here for.
You have to be true to yourself. Do not listen to society, they tell us that to do it all alone. We are never alone.
Take a good look at yourself and remember this quote:
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet. - FREDERICK BUECHNER
Even when you have the calling and you are certain, it will still not be easy. You are not alone.
As I ventured home after Rockbridge I reflected back on all I learned and had never felt more compelled to go to Alaska, let me tell you it was a wonderful feeling.
Go after your calling-it will not be easy but you will be fulfilled in more ways then you know.
Not everyone is called to missions. Some are called to make money or to help so others can serve. Take those gifts to glorify the LORD. Do not feel lower then anyone because you are not an African missionary or a banker in New York. God will bless you with gifts that will help you glorify his plan for you here on earth. He will put dreams and passions in your heart. Do not ignore them, let them thrive.
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