Sunday, July 15, 2007

Remember when you entered the door...

I am going to rant a little because I can.
I am despised when people believe that they alone in their church can bring others to Christ.
When people are excited about their church the experience is that much more special and touching to them. They open themselves to the Holy Spirit and share their experiences and therefore grow not only with themselves but with others in Christ.
So thank you to a friend’s posted poem I can use the analogy that, some no longer ‘stand by the door.’
I beg you to remember how you felt before God came into your life. I mean when you completely gave up and succumbed to his infinite wisdom and love.
How it felt to never understand how people gave up complete control and let God run their lives or remember the church and it’s place in your life, toxic or wonderfully supportive. There was an effect on your faith and hope in God.
However, some people do take pride in their church and I think that is a good thing- to an extent. When people feel that their single church is capable of transforming the world alone- and only them, we run in a major wall in the Christian community.

Proverbs 11:2
“Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” (NLT)
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble comes wisdom.” (ESV)

These are only two translations I understand but what this small verse boils down to shows volumes. The pride we have in our youth programs and our Bible studies means nothing if we are not doing so with humility- not turning others away just because one is Baptist and the other is Nazarene. Feeling that we cannot speak of our Savior because there are different beliefs.
What are you afraid of?
Challenging one another and sharing beliefs not only enhances fellowship and a better understanding of the LORD but is one of the best things you can do for yourself. As humans on earth we where made for community, to hold one another accountable, to seek the Kingdom of the LORD with each other. We cannot do this alone.
So why are our churches feeling that they can do it all, alone?

I attended Charlotte One in Charlotte, NC and was moved that over a dozen churches from various denominations gather together Tuesday nights at 7:30 for fellowship. They do so humbly to share in Christ’s fellowship with others.
We all believe in the same thing.
One son conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Born of the Virgin Mary.
Died for us, for our sins, and can never die again. (Romans 6:1-11)
One father that loves us regardless of our past, present, and sinful future.

So what is stopping us from humbling ourselves? We do not have it correct all the time so we need to let the Christian community in. If your church where to fall- would there be another to help pick it up?
We are here to support and feed another. To clothed the bare and to help the sick.
I am reminded again of the quote ‘Churches are not hotels for the staints- but rathers hospitals for the sinners.’
When did we stop feeding the hungry souls the food that they needed?
My food is different from yours. I feed in another way, and love me for it. Love me for the fact that I must discuss and interact to understand. And you, you can learn form merely watching and understanding. Others see elders and loved ones and feel passion and accept Christ. Others have a rough road ahead and must experience more tragedy and pain to realize.
Understand God made all of us.

We are ONE church in Christ together, and if we take away our pride and stand by the door together, maybe, just maybe, more would see the beauty of the kingdom.

Biblical Inspiration:
Romans 6
Romans 12
Proverbs 11
Proverbs 18:12

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