Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Health Insurance

In Western Alaska there are remote villages and areas that do not have local health aides. In turn people have to travel to distance villages or towns for treatment and care. When it comes to health care why is this such an issue.
From my experience in Nome, Alaska so far it seems that people are punished for living in remote villages away from stress and the hustle and bustle of city life. Let me tell you, it is a whole different life up here. I have stress yes, but it does not have such a push of urgency as it does in the Lower 48. It really is magnificent.
There are people that live off the land and work hard to have food for winter months. In order to do this people live far from any place that has adequate hospitals and other various health services. Sure people come through town for visits but that is the extent of it all.
So, why are these people being punished?
Health Care is a major concern and a huge reason we as Americans have a nation that cannot afford decent health coverage is because we grow deeper and deeper in debt.
Due to the lack of funds to pay hospital bills because Johnny broke his leg and a few ribs hunting and had to be helicoptered into Anchorage the family is now out $16,000. Something is wrong with this picture. Johnny's parent's cannot afford this. So, the hospital is never paid and then cannot afford more doctors, and the doctors and nurses that are 'cut' are the traveling ones that could help Johnny in his home village.
This vicious cycle continues. Health Care Reform is a must. There is no doubt.

What can we do about this?

I know there is Denali Kid Care for people who qualify... but what about those that don't?
Also, there is a chance the funding will be pulled. What then?

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