Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yaktrax, The Office, Ice Rink

Well, as I previously stated in blog below I have found an incredible piece of equipment! They are called Yaktrax, and they are amazing for walking on freezing ice and snow. Google it, you will not be disappointed.
We are losing about 6-7 minutes of sunlight a day, so the sun does not rise until 10:15 a.m or so and it sets around 8 p.m. Also, the temperatures are dropping.
As I see the mercury drop I do ask myself how prepared I am. I just pray, that is about all I can do. I am taking the advice of people around me and it seems that my gear looks ok for now and layers is the real secret. Let nothing be exposed when we start to get to 0 and below.

That is odd to hear eh? When it gets below 0. Wow. What did I sign up for?

On a positive note, I am loving my job. It is a challenge every day. I am always busy and feelings that there is something new to work on. Perfect.

This past Sunday we watched the TV show 'The Office'. Amazing, I am not sure how I did not get more into that show before now! Well, it works out since we watch a season in one sitting. I know, I lead a hard life up here! I hang out with friends, enjoy television shows without commercials, and eat whale skin and blubber. You should visit.

We have a ice rink less then one block from the house. Really, I can see it from my window about 30 yards away. They have city league teams for ice hockey, I just want to learn to ice skate again. My roommate Jacob said he had never really been. How does that work? We have an ice rink in San Antonio, Texas. He is from Washington state, well I suppose snow is more of his forte.

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